Unit Code | Title |
CHCCOM006 | Establish and manage client relationships |
CHCDIV001 | Work with diverse people |
CHCLEG003 | Manage legal and ethical compliance |
BSBSMB404 | Undertake small business planning |
HLTAID003 | Provide first aid* |
HLTAAP002 | Confirm physical health status |
HLTAAP003 | Analyse and respond to client health information |
HLTMSG001 | Develop massage practice |
HLTMSG002 | Assess client massage needs |
HLTREF002 | Provide reflexology for relaxation |
HLTMSG004 | Provide massage treatments |
HLTINF004 | Manage the prevention and control of infection |
HLTWHS004 | Manage work health and safety |
CHCPRP003 | Reflect on and improve own professional practice |
CHCPRP005 | Engage with health professionals and the health system |
CHCPRP002 | Collaborate in professional practice |
HLTMSG005 | Provide remedial massage treatments |
HLTMSG003 | Perform remedial massage musculoskeletal assessments |
BSBSMB405 | Monitor and manage small business operations |
HLTMSG006 | Adapt remedial massage treatments to meet specific needs |
HLTMSG008 | Monitor and evaluate remedial massage treatments |
* Students are to complete this unit with another provider and are granted credit transfer.