Ms Ru Wang

Position Senior Lecturer
Phone +61 2 9212 1968
Postal Address PO Box K623, Haymarket 2000
Academic & Professional Qualifications:
  • PhD (Oriental Medicine)(College of Health Science, American Liberty University, USA) 2014;
  • Bachelor of TCM (Beijing University of TCM, China) 1983.
Teaching Experience:
  • 2012 – present: lecturer, SITCM·
  • 2005 – 2011: Lecturer and Clinical Supervisor, Auckland TCM College·
  • 1992 – 1998: Lecturer, SITCM
Relevant Employment/Experience:
  • 1982 – present: Practicing Chinese Medicine in private clinic in Sydney and Aucland·
  • 1991 – 1999: practitioner in TCM Gynecology, TCM Gynecologist /lecturer, Guang An Men Hospital, China Academy of TCM, Beijing
Professional and/or Honorary Memberships:
  • Member of NZRA(New Zealand)·
  • Member of CMASA (Australia)

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