In traditional Chinese medicine, massage is a technique used to open up and clear the body’s natural energy pathways. Through a combination of medicinal herbs and targeted pressure points, TCM works to restore a healthy balance throughout the body. These ancient 2000-year-old methods have been shown to provide a range of benefits including reduced stress, improved blood circulation, reduced nausea and migraines, and many others.

A number of modern massage techniques have also been incorporated into TCM practices in recent years. Remedial massage is one method that has provided TCM practitioners with additional areas in which to share their unique skills. Both deep tissue and soft tissue massages have a place within remedial massage, and each has its own drawbacks and advantages. This provides a greater range of treatment options for practitioners and patients alike, allowing for even more specialized care to help treat an even wider range of issues. 

Deep Tissue Massage

Using slow and firm strokes, deep tissue massage works on the deeper layers of muscle layers within the body. It works by breaking down adhesions, increasing blood flow, and reducing inflammation, making it a suitable technique for injury rehabilitation and in treating chronic muscle pains. In remedial massage, the goal is to support the body’s own healing processes to treat problem areas, reduce chronic pain, and help recover from injuries. This makes deep tissue massage a vital asset in remedial massage therapy, though it may be slightly uncomfortable at times and not always necessary. 

Soft Tissue Massage

Rather than focusing on the deep layers of muscle, soft tissue massage focuses on a range of depths, pressures, and durations. Using similar techniques, this method works on the muscles, tendons, and ligaments to relax the muscles, increase endorphins, and improve blood circulation. The main advantages of this technique are that it’s less intrusive and covers a wider area of the body. It may be more comfortable, but not always suitable for treating intense pain or recovering from injuries. 

At the Sydney Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, we offer a range of treatments and services backed by over 2000 years of tradition. Visit us here to learn more and book an appointment to discover how Traditional Chinese Medicine can help change your life for the better.

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